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Accessible opera and ballet experiences

The Finnish National Opera and Ballet is for every one of us. On this page you’ll learn more about our accessibility practices at the Opera House. After your arrival, our lobby personnel are happy to assist you in the foyers, lobbies and cloakrooms.

Accessible tickets and refreshments

You can purchase accessible tickets in our online store or via our customer services. Learn more about accessible ticket purchases and the Opera Restaurant’s accessible tables.

Mobility aids

Upon request, we can provide you with a wheelchair, crutches, or a walker for the duration of your visit. If you require a mobility aid, our concierges, lobby staff, and customer services are happy to be of assistance.

Accessible facilities and entrance

Our accessible entrance is located on the Töölönlahti Bay side of the Opera House. Accessible routes and services in the visitor facilities of the Opera House are marked on the foyer layout maps.

The wheelchair accessible seats in the Main Stage auditorium are located in Boxes 3 and 4 of the 1st Balcony and Boxes 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the 2nd Balcony. There is a lift to the 1st and 2nd Balconies. The Stalls and the 3rd Balcony can only be reached via stairs.

Accessible spaces for wheelchairs in Main Stage auditorium in boxes 1 and 4 of the 2nd balcony can be purchased in the online store. The spaces are marked on the auditorium map with a brown square (price category F1). Three different ticket types are available. 

  • Wheelchair space (accessible box): reserved for visitors who require an accessible ticket, charged at a standard rate.
  • Assistant (accessible box): 50% discount is granted for assistant tickets. The price is rounded up to the nearest euro. 
  • Assistant with an EU Disability Card: complimentary assistant ticket (EU Disability Card with the symbol A must be presented upon arrival at the performance).

Please note that accessible tickets with pension, youth, or student discounts are not available for purchase in the online store. Concession pricing is available for selected seats in the Stalls and 1st and 2nd Balconies unless otherwise indicated.

Other accessible seats in the Main Stage auditorium, Almi Hall auditorium, and the foyers are only available for purchase through our customer services. Please reserve your accessible seat at least one week before the performance from the Finnish National Opera and Ballet customer services. Please note that student discounts also apply to accessible seats. Read more about concessions and discounts.

If you require a companion or assistant, you will receive a 50% discount on the assistant’s ticket. If you have an EU Disability Card with the symbol A, the ticket for your assistant will be complimentary. Please note that proof of eligibility will be required upon arrival. In other cases, please consult our customer servies for more information.

There are accessible seats in Almi Hall, too, and the accessible entrance to the hall is via a dedicated lift. The lift is located on the left of the stairs leading up to the hall. To reserve accessible seats in Almi Hall, please contact our customer service.

For seat maps of the Main Stage and Almi Hall, please visit the Stages page.

The accessible tables of the Opera Restaurant are located on the same floors as the accessible seats in the auditorium (1st and 2nd Balcony). Accessible tables can’t be reserved in advance in the online store. If you need an accessible table, we recommend that you order your refreshments well in advance and advice our customer services about your needs. You’ll find the contact details of the Opera Restaurant here.

The address of the Opera House is Helsinginkatu 58, Helsinki. There are two entrances: the main entrance is on Mannerheimintie and the back entrance is on Oopperankuja by the Töölönlahti bay.

The car park of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet, located in front of the accessible Töölönlahti bay entrance, is reserved for visitors with limited mobility.

See the foyer layout maps of the Opera house.

We can provide a wheelchair, crutches, and a walker for your use during your visit. If you require a mobility aid, please ask our concierge or lobby staff for assistance upon your arrival, or contact our customer services in advance. You can find our customer service contact details and opening times here.

Note! The hearing loop on the 1st Balcony is malfunctioning and is currently out of service. If you need the hearing loop, please ask a receiver from our lobby personnel.

A hearing loop in our Main Stage auditorium improves the listening experience for people with hearing aids. The hearing loop covers the entire auditorium with a receiver available from the customer service desk in the lobby. The receiver is also compatible with standard headphones. You can enquire about the receiver when buying tickets or arriving at a performance. Our lobby personnel are happy to assist you in using the device.

The Main Stage auditorium has been equipped with an induction loop that does not require a transmission receiver. You can view the coverage area of the induction loop here (

The Finnish National Opera and Ballet customer service point next to the Töölönlahti bay entrance has been fitted with a one-to-one hearing loop system. The one-to-one hearing loop transmits sound directly from the microphone of the customer service representative to the hearing aid, eliminating background noise. The customer service counter with the one-to-one hearing loop can be identified by a special symbol.

As is the international custom, we mostly perform operas in their original language. The surtitles above the stage, usually in Finnish, Swedish and English, make it easier to follow the story.

Every year one opera production at the Finnish National Opera is interpreted in sign language. In the 2024–2025 season, performances of The Phantom of the Opera will be interpreted into sign language on 31 August 2024 at 7 p.m. and 11 September 2024 at 7 p.m.

For the best view of the interpretation, we recommend choosing a seat on the left side of the Stalls. The interpreters typically stand on the left side of the stage as seen from the audience.

To enquire about the best seats to follow the sign language interpretation, you can also email our group sales at liput[at]

Unfortunately we are unable to offer completely scent-free performances or seats. Please take your fellow visitors and performers into consideration when applying perfume or aftershave.

Some of our performances may contain very bright or intensely flashing lights, loud sounds or smoke machines. More information about these and other special effects is available on each production page. If you’re concerned about whether the production is suitable for you, please contact our customer services for assistance. If you need earplugs, ask our lobby personnell for help.

Get acquianted with the Opera House in advance

The foyer layout maps outline our accessible routes and services. Free cloakroom facilities are located at the back of the foyer upon entering from the Töölönlahti bay side. A lift from Alfons lobby takes you up to the main foyer and the balcony foyer. Almi Hall is on the same level as the Töölönlahti bay entrance. The lift to the Almi Hall auditorium is located near the service counter of the Opera Restaurant to the left of the foyer, next to the stairs to the auditorium.

If you use the Mannerheimintie entrance, the cloakrooms are located straight ahead on the left as you come in. Access to accessible seats on the 1st balcony is through Aino lobby on the right of the champagne bar. The lift up to the balcony foyer or down to Alfons lobby is located to the left of the champagne bar, next to the staircase leading to the balcony foyer.

Accessible toilet facilities are located at Alfons lobby near the entrance on the Töölönlahti bay side, in the main foyer near Bar & Café Juha, and at each end of the seating areas on the 2nd balcony. These accessible toilets also serve as unisex facilities.

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